I hit the ripe old age of 34 and Haleigh followed it up with a youthful 11. Joshua turned seventh months old. We've enjoyed the last week and a half with everyone home, including the man of the house, and are looking forward to one more week off. Maybe I can negotiate with the school district for a little more time? As previously stated, we opted for a quiet California Christmas. Joshua ate all the wrapping paper so we didn't have to bother to do any recycling:) We enjoyed receiving everyone's well-wishes and hope you received ours:) One day I'll get a decent family photo out to everyone. We've (Kade and the honeys) been on strike regarding the professional route, but maybe once JC Penney moves in next door (opening in March), we'll drag our lazy backsides in for a photo op. I'll just have to bribe Kade and all the honeys to make it happen. I guess that's what I get for taking photos of them 24-7. Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!
1 comment:
i think home pictures are much more fun than professional ones. I'm glad you had a good Christmas. you have such a beautiful family.
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