Hi, all, I thought I better do a May recap to preserve the family legacy although I'm hoping to see you all in person very shortly. May flew by in a whirlwind. We celebrated the boys' birthdays this month, with Joshua turning a year and Caleb nine. My school honeys are unofficially done, but will party this week until the end on Friday. Maryn, Joshua, and I couldn't help but keep strolling past the school on our walk this morning to spy on Elise as she ran through the school sprinklers in the field on "Water Day." I tried to drag the walk out so I could spy on the third graders (ie, Caleb and his best friend Dylan) who were coming next, but after 75 minutes in the stroller and Maryn was ready to get out, hop the fence and join the fun. We also unofficially acquired a "pet" a week or so ago. We have a mole or gopher digging up our front lawn, after our neighbor, whose backyard borders our side yard, landscaped said backyard. Well, anyway, happy June until we meet!
The photo is one of all the honeys after a full day of Memorial Day commemoration activities. Yes, I bribed them to sit still for half a second--they're not impressed with all my preserving the family legacy.