Anyway, I thought you might enjoy a few pictures of Niagara Falls. I took hoards of pictures everywhere we went, but I won't overwhelm you with my photos (especially since quite a few didn't turn out as well as I had hoped). So, I hope you enjoy the few of Niagara Falls that are presented here. The pics don't begin to do the spectacular place justice, but hey, it's the best we could do.
Ann kept trying to convince me to go over the falls with her, but I insisted that it wasn't a very good idea. She finally talked me into it, however, and off we went (see picture below). Cole and Andrew, on the other hand, were very wise in their choice to remain on shore. After we paid our $25,000 fine and convinced the border patrol and park security that putting us in jail was a bad idea, we were finally able to leave the state of New York and go back to Maine...Okay, so maybe it didn't happen QUITE like that, but it sure is fun to joke about : ) I couldn't resist editing the photo to put us in it.