Monday, November 24, 2008

Hello from the desert.

After a long hiatus, we are back. I am forever and always behind. But we are doing well. Dan only has about three weeks of the semester left and then he'll work on his doctoral paper over Christmas break. That will bring us to just one semester of classes left (it also includes a comprehensive exams, a language proficiency exam in Italian, a recital, his doctoral paper). We are currently applying for teaching jobs all across the country. We have applied for seven so far and have four more to apply for, so hopefully something will turn up. Unfortunately, they are all in the nethermost parts of the country. We'll let you know how it goes. The boys are growing up so fast. Cole celebrated his 3rd birthday Nov. 16. Thanks to all for their birthday wishes and gifts. They were gratefully received. Andrew is four months old now and so much fun. The boys have been sick this last week with terrible colds and Andrew with an ear infection. He was pretty sick, but he is on antibiotics now and doing much better. But I fear that I am now on the downhill slope to sick city. (All those sleepless nights and days taking care of sick kids.) Anyway, that is us in a nutshell. My connection really isn't working right now, so I will forgo adding pictures. Check out our blog for more up to date info:

1 comment:

April said...

For some reason, I thought I had responded to this already, but I guess not. I can't believe how fast Dan is plowing through his schooling. You might actually be gainfully employed before realizing what happened. Love the pictures of the boys on your blog. They are so adorable. Thanks for keeping us up-to-date.