For a while there, it seemed like I was the only one posting, so I backed off a bit. For more in-depth details of our own family, you can visit kapandcompany.blogspot.com. Stevens family members don't comment much on the posts or on my own blog, so it's hard to guage if anyone cares or is paying attention. Kade's family and a number of friends who've moved away all blog up a storm, and it's impossible for me to keep up and comment on all their posts, but I've always tried to comment on all my own family members posts so you all know I'm paying attention to your lives, even if that attention is being paid at nearly midnight:)
My honeys had a week of easter vacation ending with Easter, and Kade's vacation began with Easter so we haven't been in our normal routine which is nice. We've finally kicked the pinkeye thing (well, we eradicated it a little while ago.) Lately, I've been trying to teach Haleigh, Caleb and Elise how to play the piano. Haleigh's been teaching herself for a couple of years now, with some minor interference on my part, but now I'm trying to push her more. I've posted Easter photos on my blog for any interested parties, but here I've included a few of my latest favorite photos of my honeys.
Guilty, guilty. In the rare moments I catch a glimpse of our computer, I confess I don't leave many comments. It's all I can do to check my email a couple of times a week. Maybe when Dan is done with school, I will see the laptop a little more often.
I'm glad things are going well. I can't believe how grownup Haleigh is. Unbelievable. And thanks; I do appreciate the comments.
Finally! Thank you!
so glad to see a post. I admit that I have been sad that no one has been using this little family blog. I too felt like I was the only one posting. it's such a great tool to stay in touch and be apart of your lives. I check your family blog every sunday...and sometimes during the week. I love seeing pictures of the kiddos and hearing the updates. Thanks so much for the comments on my blog. It does make me feel like you are paying attention to me. Over the family reunion you'll have to teach me a thing or two about digital scrapbooking if we have time.
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