Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Still Employed

Since I can't remember who I've talked to, I thought this was the best option to update everyone. Back in December, we were told Dan's position would be cut for next year. Since then we have been applying for jobs and anticipating another move. However, last week we were unexpectedly offered another year here at UMaine. Through small miracles and good people bargaining for us, we have managed to secure another year here. We are not sure we will stay, depending on what the Lord has in mind for us, but we are hoping to. We love it here and would love the chance to spend another year here. I'll keep you posted. And if we do end up staying here, that will give all of you another chance to come visit us in glorious Maine.


Unknown said...

What an amazing opportunity to be there another year! Good luck!

Jill said...

yay for having job security...justin and i were starting to get a little stressed not knowing where we were going to be this summer so gettting this internship was a huge relief. It's so nice to have security