So I haven't posted on here in ages it seems like. So I thought I'd give you a quick update. Things are going swell. We love Maine. It is beautiful and the people we've met are really nice. Dan is enjoying teaching at the university and all of his colleagues are super. It has its moments of stress and busyness, but overall is a good experience. Cole is actually growing. He has inordinate amounts of energy and keeps us going every minute. He loves to read and help me with the dishes. Andrew is a born climber and I get tired of fetching him down off our steep stairs a million times a day. But I'm convinced he's part mountain goat or something. It's in his soul and there is no stopping him. I am enjoying the beautiful fall season of New England. It has only begun and is extremely gorgeous. I love fall; it is my favorite season. I absolutely love the reds and yellows and oranges.
Dan and I have callings in our new ward which are ones that neither of us have done before. I serve as the CTR 6 teacher in primary, which is an adventure sometimes. I have two little girls and I confess I don't know what to do with them sometimes. I am used to working with boys. I did cub scouts for a year and with my men at home, that's what I'm used to. I guess I'll figure it out. Dan serves as the ward music director. Basically, they want him to start up a functioning choir. He also has been called to be the 11 year old scout leader. I think he is a little nervous since he know nothing about scouting, as he has never done any of it. He will be great though.
Anyway, I think I have rambled on long enough and need to get my bread in the oven. Later.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Weird Encounter
Ok, so I am an aide for Ruffier. YAY! and I was making copies in the teachers' office and Mr. Samples came in. So there I was, making my 240 copies and he was like, "So how's April?" and I was like wait a second! You know who i am?! It was so weird. But anyway, he told me to say hi to April, Jane, and Mary. I figured this was the best way to say hi for him to all of you. :)
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
A marble board!!!
A couple of years ago, I was on a crazed, determined quest to acquire a marble board for our family. You may remember all my solicitations for help, after attempts to find one online failed. Jill and I pieced all the details together (confirmed them with Matt, who had a marble board--still does) and I set out to make my own board. Kade and I were in the process of selling our first home, and we didn't have the proper tools, but we managed to throw something together really quick, using the biggest drill bit he had for his drill, to placate me for the moment. We sold our home, moved into our new one, spent the summer getting organized, then with a very busy school year and being pregnant with Joshua, the marble board was pushed to the back. Well, thanks to Mary, who is on her own quest to own an elusive marble board, she resurrected my quest, and I've succeeded. We don't have many woodworking tools, and didn't know what to do about not having a drill press. We finally solved the problem this time by finding a drill bit which attaches to Kade's typical drill, that does the job perfectly, and lets you bypass having to have access to a drill press. I finally finished staining and sealing the board yesterday, so we played on the board last night. Everyone loved it (we had played before on my makeshift board a couple of years ago, but this time was fabulous.) Sorry for the long post. I've included photos of the first board, and my new one. Anyway, there's hope if you're interested in the same thing. Just get in touch with me for some details:)
A California August

Hi, all. So it's September 8th, and I'm posting about August. Gotta problem with that??!! :) Anyway, we're all well, although in shock that we've been in school for a month now. Crazy!!!! Kade and I celebrated our 14th wedding anniversary back on the 18th. Fourteen sounds like such a long time, but it's hard to believe how fast the time has flown. Joshua turned 16 months on Sunday. I'm convinced I'm in some kind of time warp. Anyone feel that way too? Here's a few photos for your viewing pleasure.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
HEY! So I got home from Maine last Wednesday. I am very happy to be home. I'll post pictures when I get the chance, but right now I have to go do my pre-calc anyway, ttyl.
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