Thursday, September 24, 2009

Weird Encounter

Ok, so I am an aide for Ruffier. YAY! and I was making copies in the teachers' office and Mr. Samples came in. So there I was, making my 240 copies and he was like, "So how's April?" and I was like wait a second! You know who i am?! It was so weird. But anyway, he told me to say hi to April, Jane, and Mary. I figured this was the best way to say hi for him to all of you. :)


April said...

You can tell "Mr. Samples" hi for me. We went to school together since grade school. I think Mom told me he had gone into education or something. I wonder if he ended up marrying his girlfriend Chris.

Jill said...

wierd when people know you and you don't know them...