Saturday, February 28, 2009

Alive and well, we think!

Hi, folks! It's good to see everyone posting again. Good job, Jill, leading the charge. You can click on the thumbnail photos above for a larger image; then click the large image again to reduce it.
We are doing well, despite the wild financial and climate roller-coaster of life in California these days. Education is being hit extremely hard with all the budget woes, but we feel positive and hopeful that Kade will get to stay as a counselor at his school site. His district is extremely well-run, and it's definitely paying off with the crisis. We've also been keeping an eye on our local school district and how the cuts will impact our children's school. We'll just have to see.
My baby girl princess turns three in just a couple of weeks which seems so crazy. Mr. J will hit the ten-month mark and has gotten so busy. He likes to sit on Maryn's tricycle and pretend he's driving it.
Our older three are coasting on the downslope of the school year.
I deleted Jill's request for this post, so I'm referencing the rest of yours to answer the questions.
Favorite dessert--usually anything with chocolate. My favorite ice cream is Denali's Moosetracks.
Favorite shoes--I love wearing socks and shoes in general, but I'm pretty functional about what I own.
Games--our latest family favorite is SWAP--even Maryn can play it with us. It's an inexpensive card game that I'd recommend for some cheap entertainment.
Books--I don't have favorites, so the most recent one I've read was actually re-reading Elantris by Brandon Sanderson--such a great book.
As to a movie--I don't have favorites here either, but the most recent one I watched and loved was "Cranford." For all you Jane Austen fans out there, you'd love this one. Kade and I loved it. I would definitely recommend it.
Well, I think that's all. Hope everyone's doing well.

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