Saturday, February 21, 2009

Hello from sunny AZ

We've had an eventful 2009 so far. January brought a host of events. I celebrated my 28th birthday (Can I really be that old?), Cole lost his hearing for about 21/2 weeks, Mom came to visit for a couple of days because she had another conference. February brought more. Cole's hearing thankfully returned. Dan is currently in Carson City where he will perform with the Carson City Symphony. He has been gone 21/2 days and will be gone for 2 1/2 more. It seems like forever. Anyway, like I mentioned above, Cole's hearing has returned and it is fun to have him back. We are back to being silly and singing and all sorts of mischief. He's back to telling me he's "just too busy" or that he's "just doing things" when I call for him. He is still obsessed with sports. Andrew is 7 months old and is army crawling. Nothing and nowhere (and noone) is safe anymore. He's a man with a mission. He is usually mild and very happy and smiley. He's currently working on two teeth and has a bit of a cold, so it's not always pleasant. I'm just trying to survive all the changes in our family and manage all the doctor's visits.

Between Cole and Andrew these days, I could probably invest in some kind of medical stock or something. But they are pretty healthy and happy despite our minor challenges, for which one must be thankful. Dan is finishing up his last semester with all the accompanying major exams, dissertations, and the such. We have applied for several jobs and are hoping to have a job for the fall somewhere. Anyplace is looking good right now, as long as we have a job. Well, that's about us.

Favorite Dessert: almost anything (I have a mouth full of sweet teeth.) Ice cream is definitely among the top.
Favorite pair of shoes: none or flip flops. I don't really like wearing shoes.
Favorite game: I don't think I have one.
Favorite book or movie: Again, I like many a good book and movie, but no favorite.

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