Tuesday, July 29, 2008


I'm so glad April figured the authorship thing out. That was going to be my task for today, but now it's all done for me.
So this summer I've been learning new things since I haven't been working or going to school. I learned how to sew. I made one skirt now in the possession of Amber, curtains for my kitchen, and now I'm slowly but surely working on a dress. My next sewing project will be to make a little girl's dress for my baby.
I also have been learning how to blog hence our family blog. And I have been working on family history. This includes family indexing online, teaching Justin how to use PAF, and also getting my own cleaned up and more workable.
Another thing that I have been up to is learning to crochet. So far my efforts have been to watch several you tube vidoes on how to do it. Maybe later today, I will be adventurous and venture to DI where I noticed some yarn and crochet hooks.
If you can think of any other handy skills I should learn feel free to email me with them as I like to feel productive, and I like to prevent myself from getting sucked into spider solitaire.


Haleigh P. said...

Nice. I would have figured that out myself.

April said...

But spider solitaire is so fun! Kudos to your summer of new skills. How about container gardening? The guy at OSH told us we were probably too late to plant tomatoes for this season unless we planted them in containers and could bring them indoors, if necessary. But I digress.