Disclaimer: Okay, so not to appear the slug of the family, I have to say that we are currently without the internet. We are working to get a working connection, but cannot promise anything, much to my annoyance. But alas, you do what you can. So if I am slow in responding, that is why. That is also why I have not sent photos of little Andrew yet. But Dan was able to do a little updating of our blog today at school so be sure and check it out.
Update: We really had a pretty uneventful Fourth of July. Our ward had a patriotic program and breakfast and that was nice. I was SORELY disappointed that there were no parades anywhere to be had. I even looked online for a parade to watch. I thought, "I don't want to live anywhere that doesn't have a parade for the Fourth." I mean, what kind of patriotic place is this? Anyway, since we didn't have a parade to watch, we went swimming instead. We decided to invite some friends from the ward over for a BBQ since they don't have any family here and we don't have any family here and neither of us had plans. So we had a BBQ and watched fireworks together. They have a little girl Cole's age so they had fun.
As for the rest of our month, I decided to go ahead and have my baby. Actually, he took us by

surprise and came three weeks early. My kids tend to do things on their own time table. I was a bit stressed because Amber wasn't going to be here for another four days and I didn't have anyone to watch Cole. But after a lot of stressing and worrying and phone calls and generous friends, we were able to find care for Cole for the day. We love having Andrew in our family. He already adds a lot to our little unit. He is very snuggly and cute. Andrew is healthy and I am happy to report that he passed his newborn hearing screening and that we are not experiencing major eating issues like we did with Cole. All in all, we love are little Andrew and Cole and consider ourselves very fortunate to be their parents.

Favorite game: Like Toni, I don't know that I could narrow it down to one game. Black car, Olympics, oh so many memories. I did enjoy playing deer. That was a great game. And what about buffalo jump? Ah, the good old days.
you look fabulous after just having a baby! I always look like a bloated cow that's 13 months pregnant despite having delivered. We already love our little Andrew too!
I've really loved looking at your blog. i'm so glad you started one. Justin absolutely loves cole's videos. He makes me play them over and over again. I'm so glad you're doing well, and I hope that you're enjoying amber's company.
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