Like the title? I'm so funny. Anyway, Just thought I'd give an update on our lives. Justin is loving school and work this semester. He's in a lot of his major classes and loving every minute of them. His job pretty much is doing what he's majoring in so he likes it a lot. Right now he's training to be able to certify others in CPR.
I'm doing the same kind of things I've been doing all summer. I work on my little sewing projects, cook, clean, and do some bed resting. A few new things I've done this week include harvesting apples and plums from the trees in the yard of our apartment complex, making apple pies, going to Yellowstone, and attending the RS broadcast. I've also been planning a big Halloween party. If anyone has any great ideas for me to use at my prty as far as decorations, food, or games, you should let me know. I'm thinking of freezing some of the plums we picked and peeling them to look like eyeballs since they're about that size.
My stomach is getting bigger and bigger, and just when I think I can't get any bigger, my wasteline expands a little more. I'm getting more excited and more impatient for baby to come.
Sounds like you guys are having a good time. I'm glad things are going well for you. Don't worry, one day you will stop growing, I promise.
Check out this link for a lot of cute Halloween ideas: http://familyfun.go.com/parties/holiday/minisite/halloween-main/
Okay, so it cut off the end of the link. Here's the rest: ween-main/
Let me know if you have questions.
Is it Halloween time already? I vowed I'd start the costume prep thing two or three months early this year, and here I am--not even started. A trip to Yellowstone, eh? Love that place. Some nice domestic things along the homefront--good for you, Jill. We too are anxiously awaiting our new little niece!
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